Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Green and Juicy Crone

I feel that I have a new goal, thanks to JSB. What is my version of a green and juicy crone? Well that's what this blog is about. Will I bring in more Artemis or Diana, the goddess of the hunt. She was alive in me as a little girl when I climbed trees, ran with a tribe of kids playing horses, dared to walk the white picket fence next door. I can remember one old apple tree in particular, out in a field that looms large in my childhood memories. The field was behind the houses across the street and stretched for at least a quarter of a mile in all directions. My mother taught me how to mark our secret wild asparagus patches by sighting a tree in one direction and maybe the How's house 90 degrees away. Anyway in this beloved old apple tree, there was a branch that was bouncy and another one to hang on above it. I can remember how much fun and how daring that seemed to bounce and bounce. By myself or with a friend. When did that part of me get lost? When a stranger grabbed my breast as I was walking to through a suburban neighborhood to the swimming pool? I was quite proud of those new breasts and probably strutting right along only to be accosted in broad daylight. What did I do? Keep right on walking and pretend it didn't happen like a good 50's girl. Was it lost when I became a sexual being and brought in other Goddess's attributes? How will I bring her back in? Adventure travel? Defense of the vulnerable? Artemis, alone of the major goddesses, was granted autonomy by her father Zeus and would never be violated or overpowered by male power. Whew, wouldn't that have been nice? She also defended those violated and vulnerable, just as I regret on occasion not doing as a mother. I just wrote about that this morning in a list of things I regretted doing, in answer to one of Jean Shinoda Bolen's questions to help me align with my life's purpose. The question is What do I regret doing or not doing? What about you? What do you regret doing or not doing?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry folks, this one should be dated April 23, but I can't change it. Enjoy. Random thoughts just like me.
